The urgent need
The corona virus has dramatically increased the need for universities and colleges to offer teaching online via ‘Virtual Lectures’ (VL). But the advantages of using VL skilfully were becoming ever more compelling before the crisis started.
a) MOOCs
The development and proliferation of Massive Open Online Courses are becoming an integral part of many higher education institutions’ offerings. Having really skilled staff who understand and are comfortable with the new technologies gives universities a significant advantage.
b) New generation’s tech familiarity
As new students join their universities, they’re increasingly comfortable using technology such as webinars, FaceTime and Skype to communicate. Embracing and encouraging VL as an integral, rather than a ‘bolted on’ part of university’s teaching and working practices strategy helps attract and keep students more engaged.
c) More engaging material
More excitingly delivered material makes students engaging with material both when live streamed, but also when accessing it after lectures much more likely.

What is the challenge?
But. Despite the many advantages VL has over In Real Life (IRL) meetings, there is usually also a significant potential, perceived downside.
Personal contact and understanding. One of the major drawbacks mentioned most often by students receiving VL is the simple fact that it doesn’t ‘feel real’. There is general agreement that students find it harder to concentrate when they’re not in the same room, breathing the same air as others, living the same environment.
What ‘TeachingThere’ gives you
We developed TeachingThere to help universities build the strongest relationships between lecturers and their students. VLs have stolen their way almost unnoticed into university life. But the hard truth is that the skills needed to make them the most successful part of modern communications are not a natural part of people’s skill sets. A VL is, in essence, a mixture of a lecture and live TV. The skills and behaviours needed to make the experience powerful and compelling can be learned quickly using the same approaches and techniques that successful screen actors and directors use. So ‘VirtualProfessor’ gives participants the awareness and understanding about how to use the VL medium as well as the practice to start to make real progress in mastering it.
How is ‘TeachingThere’ different from technical virtual training?
- Develops skills, behaviours and relationships
- Platform independent
- Based on success of PresentPerfect (our popular and communication and presentation skills course)
- Individual feedback to accelerate awareness and skills learning

Course outline
What’s STAR? S.T.A.R. stands for Sound – Together – Action – Room (see below for a fuller explanation). It’s an easy to remember acronym to help people focus on the four key areas in their VCs. So they achieve the greatest impact as simply as possible.
- Clear idea of workshop structure and VC etiquette during the training.
- Present vs virtual – what are the differences? Clear understanding of features and benefits of both sorts of meeting
- Using your voice to create interest and engagement.
- The right energy: why is it important?. What does that mean practically? How can you change your energy to create different moods, responses and effects?
- Speed: Understanding how second languages and people not being present demands differences in vocal pace
- The art of surprise: How to use vocal variation and emphasis to reenergise participants
- Different languages Vocal techniques that help increase understanding.
- Involving everyone: Using name checks, questions, positive language
- Signing off How do you leave people invigorated and ‘wanting more’?
- Clear actions Clear outcomes and actions
- Framing: Understand and able to use screen size for greatest impact and engagement
- Posture: How posture affects how you and your audience feel
- Hand gestures: Hand gestures that accentuate presence.
- Leaning in: Using screen size to re-engage and emphasise
- Eye contact: How to use eye contact to engage all VC members. How eye contact and naming participants helps engagement
- Using the breath to feel and appear calm under pressure or in high stakes meetings
- Create the best impression
- Lighting: Overall lighting and key lights
- Background: Creating the best impression
- Dress : The right audience